Buster Wolf – Vejigante – Album Review
I first met Buster Wolf in early 2015. He was ripping a show at Liberty Bar(one of the best venues in Tallahassee). What stood out to me immediately about Buster Wolf was his alternative style, his incredible breath control, his high energy, and his gamer influence.From talking to him I gathered that we had a lot of the same musical background. Like me Buster had a firm familiarity with the classic hip-hop albums like the Black Star, Like Water for Chocolate, and Low End Theory. Not only that, he was also familiar with alternatives acts like Cannibal Ox and Doom. So when he told me that he didn’t have a proper full length it was a bit disappointing, but he let me know he was in the process of making a project call Vejigante I was really looking forward to it. Being a man in a mask, we shared a dope conversation about masks. Apparently the Vejigante is a piece of Puerto Rican folklore represented by these brightly colored masks. So after seeing Buster Wolf open up for KRS-One I was given a “physical” copy of his album Vejigante . The album is on a really cool looking card USB Read More...
Absolute Zero