Music Quest Log: Quick Intro divine Don Julio
— I met Don Julio about now two weeks back(consciously, I may have seen him or met him before, its very possible). I heard him and his associates practicing. Normally I would’ve just left but Don Julio seemed to be a cool and good dude, well so did the other people room. So they opened the floor up and was really going over ways to make their performances the best for the audience. Which is huge positive, being constructive I stayed around and I tried to stay still like a background. I was able to hear Don Julio‘s newer stuff, which he was going to use for the event. The following week I arrived, yes I arrived to Props and Bonds. You should check out and attend this event, its monthly, plus its really good. The host are great guys, I’ve seen them around before. Sometimes I am not conscious of social things (because man… I got alot of heavy stuff going on. Some mega heavy life stuff man, like people’s lives weight and mine I guess). However I do get the feeling and from vague memory that they are cool dudes. With all that said go check out there Read More...