Music Thoughts #1 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Stop using Twitter and Social Media
– #1 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Stop using Twitter and Social Media This is very obvious to everyone that is familiar with Meek Mill in any way or shape possible. From my memory I can’t think of any rapper in Hip Hop more synonymous with the famous Twitter Fingers label than Meek Mill. There is no winning for him at this point on Twitter (the way he uses it now). He has to stop having these personal, highly emotional and random exchanges with his audience. He reacts to everything he reads and or happens to him on social media. This gives people who don’t like Meek Mill the ability to attack and corner him into positions that are at best zero sum gains (normally they are lose, lose situations). If he was not so emotional and more normal with social media, then I would inform him to only respond to the positive responses on social media. However he doesn’t seem to have the ability to do so, this seems to stem from some way deeper insecurity. It’s not abnormal to Meek Mill, most industry Rappers and people to aspire to be like them tend to be very Read More...
Rj Knight