Paradox : Sincerely Yours (Music)
Follow Paradox Follow Paradox This is Paradox, I first got introduced to this artist at Props and Bonds Saturday Mic Live. I liked his performances, hopefully I will be able to see him again. So in honor of Joel, Paradox had to make the list esp for artist that came through the door of Catalyst Hip Hop (since I have started going regular). If you like this song then support Paradox, he’s a pretty good artist and this song is very good. Its a song that will probably stay in my personal playlist. So hopefully this will help it make it to yours. If you are an artist and you visited Catalyst contact me and I will add you to the cycle in memory of what Joel has done. If you plan to come through one day you can contact too. Cole World: The Sideline Story. Really a lot more powerful of an debut album than many people realize. Support J.Cole and us by clicking on the image to purchase Cole World if your interested. I have a video on J.Cole‘s that I will soon share. Also I will be playing more songs from Cole world. Thanks -Please Read More...
Rj Knight