Quick Intro : Track from Yella, The Triple Threat
Quick Intro : Track from Yella, The Triple Threat Quickly Introducing an undercurrent artist, Yella, The Triple Threat. Her work has pretty nice range, it can reach all the demographics for consumers of female music. The songs are solid, a few are displayed below which showcases the range mentioned above. Yella is a multi-talented person, so following her can be fun. The Tracks below are more to my flavor. I will be listening to more Yella The Triple Threat, I hope you can follow this Music Quest with me. —– Yella, The Triple ThreatYella, The Triple Threat —– – How did I discover Yella, well I heard about her from our very own Absolute Zero. I heard good things about her from Black Trazan and others, however I was not sure about how good she would as an artist. I really was doing it purely for moral reasons. That changed a bit when I played her music, It was honestly surprising. I’m not the Hip Hop backpack type that can’t appreciate didn’t styles or sounds. Her song Big Bang, is a good, it should really resonate with the current Barbie audience. That is not my thing Read More...
Rj Knight