WHY SAIYANS MAY NOT BE EXTINCT There’s a multitude of races that the DBZverse contains. This ranges from the technological Tuffles, all the way to the seemingly still unexplained Yardratians (those guys that taught Goku how to perform the instant transmission, making it almost unpractical for those with ki control to use spaceships, or cars, for that matter). However the main race that was focused on in the show was the proud race, the Saiyans.Which of course had their home planet blown to space bits (which is different than regular bits, I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!). But what of the planet’s prideful, yet unoriginal inhabitants? Could it be that there’s other Saiyans in the universe? Well, let’s try to break this food for thought down, if you know what I’m Saiyan. (Sorry, couldn’t resist ) First, let’s look at their employer The Galactic federation, which is ran by Frieza’s family. They send warriors to other planets to clear out the inhabitants of that planet. Where it’s then placed on the market for “cell” (i know it’s sale, but dbzpuns are fun and easy…..ok I’ll stop). The planet with a profitable race on it will come under the employment of Frieza’s Family Read More...