Animanga Thoughts: The Boy and The Beast(why we need to support animanga flims)
Animanga Thoughts: The Boy and The Beast Let’s support the theatrical release even if its not in our area by sharing the theatrical trailer and liking the movie. If we do this we an get investors to consider it worthwhile to invest more money into anime theatrical releases (Thanks so much, let’s do the best we can to make the changes only we can make) Synopsis “Kyuta slips into an alternate universe where he is raised by a bear-man, Kumatetsu. Kyuta is eventually thrust into an adventure which spans both worlds. ” The Boy and Beast ‘s story seems to be really good, it seems to have some deep symbology and multi-layer aspects in the plot going on. Sadly there doesn’t seem to be any showings(theater viewings) in my area and probably your area if you reside in North America. This is pretty much normal for us that has been in the animanga community for a long time. However there are things I believe we can do as a community, which can make such investments in us worth while. If we share these trailers, we can show future companies that we are interested in theatrical anime. It Read More...
Rj Knight