Conan, Kevin Hart, Ice Cube and Dianna Chang Riding Along
Conan, Kevin Hart, Ice Cube and Dianna Chang Riding Along Uber driver you are missed Okay this made me laugh like crazy. I actually like Kevin Hart, Conan O’Brien and Ice Cube skits. I mean these guys are naturally funny together. They really honestly should do a movie because it would be insanely funny. It wouldn’t take much either, just throw on a camera and have them just go around meeting and hanging out with people for a few days. This is going down in my all time favorite list of skits(a good amount of Conan skits are there). It honestly made me laugh alot, Dianna Chang is a gem in the video. Honestly her personality stole the event. She made me laugh more with her chemistry with Conan. However she was really concentrating on the road at times which is very wise(I mean its hard with such funny guys). I like the Uber driver skit, which I think was for Ride Along, the first movie. I’ll probably be watching this later again for jokes. Check out Kevin Harts FB page, link should be below, watch Conan‘s show if you liked the skit. Ice Cube is Read More...
Rj Knight