Free Promo: LeBoys in the Showers Sundays
Le Boys Shower Sundays(Event) I have never been to Le Boys Shower, but it came across my Facebook timeline by their advertisement feed. I didn’t even know what it was about but I do like the ad. I think the image is pretty cool; I could easily see this being the title of a book series or something. It would probably make a great Light novel and or manga. The cover really has a nice look to it. I actually added this to my reference images and will probably add it to my Pinterest reference board later. Apparently(I just read some of the Facebook event information), Le Boys is a new venue in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The exact address is 1243 NE 11th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304. So you can find easily find your way there if your interested. Its from 8PM-2 AM. I am not sure but I think the admission is free, either tonight or every Sunday night. So no covers, ever on Sundays I think. I’m not sure so check for yourself, if your interested. If my cousin wasn’t married and still in the single life, I would send him the information Read More...
Rj Knight