Music Thoughts: How Meek Mill can stop losing and start winning (General Overview)
Meek Mill is in a situation where every battle he gets into results in a loss for him. The reason behind this is physiological and a bit complicated. What is not as complicated is how Meek Mill can turn these losses he’s been taking into future wins for him and his team. I’m going to break this down a bit more simple into a kinda of list. People like list and I will try to keep it that simple. If you want more context you can listen to my tired off the dome audio about this which actually came first. *By the way to understand my view points, I must first point out that I think that rap beefs are actually negative to the rapper. I was working on a series to explain and make this position more clear but I’ve been dealing with interpersonal issues (helping friend with life problems). So with that said, let’s get into how Meek Mill can start winning. #1 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Stop using Twitter and Social Media This is very obvious to everyone that is familiar with Meek Mill in any way or Read More...
Rj Knight