

“loved this game so much, thanks man.” Rj Knight

Secret of Mana, one of the best games I ever played. It brought me and my older brother together(in those moments cause we did not get along very well). I wanted to play as the male hero but my brother took that role so I had to play as the girl or the sprite child. Things like this growing up made me a lot more open and even about alot of issues and topics. Thanks to RobaatoX for revin this up inside, this game opened my mind to how artistic games could be. Also how free, creative and timeless games could be as well. I knew as a child this was going to be a timeless game and it really has become that not just for me but for so many people.


-I actually used the spear with her and with the sprite kid, he used the Battle axe. Pretty close, lol


-The OST in this game and its successor was amazing. I think I’ll make something on that.

secret of mana official box children image



Anymore work from Robaato X or another artist on Secret of Mana, I will be sure to put up. I should have a more appropriate High Fantasy sword and magic short story present. Helping friend with his music career and it has really taken alot of time, so the focus of work on site has shifted but its going back to what it should be more now. So hopefully we can put out some great work, that can we can through a profit system develop from stories into animanga and sweet games just like this. Honestly, that would make me so happy, not enough games like this.


Bizz Bee Z in Jail Two men sat in a very normal cell. Both had a despondent feel about them. A very telling situation to the scene in the cell was the physical distance between the two men in the very limited space. One man was a very young dark skinned Black man with a very curly afro. His eyes seemed tired and his young face seemed as if it was for wear. He wore the clothes of a man processed by the jail system. The other man in the cell was much older. He was a lighter skinned Black man who seemed to be Bi-racial or Mixed race. This man had a very menacing aura. He looked at the younger man in a similar way a predator eyed its prey in the wild.
Bizz Bee Z in Jail Two men sat in a very normal cell. Both had a despondent feel about them. A very telling situation to the scene in the cell was the physical distance between the two men in the very limited space. One man was a very young dark skinned Black man with a very curly afro. His eyes seemed tired and his young face seemed as if it was for wear. He wore the clothes of a man processed by the jail system. The other man in the cell was much older. He was a lighter skinned Black man who seemed to be Bi-racial or Mixed race. This man had a very menacing aura. He looked at the younger man in a similar way a predator eyed its prey in the wild.

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