How My Dog actually plays football with me



This is more like what me and my dog playing looks like. I know its not omg, so horrible. However its no where near what the guy did with his dog in the last video. She plays pretty much exactly like this and is a pretty good defender in this game and basket ball as well. However she does something this dog doesn’t seem to do. She cheats when she gets frustrated. Yes, you heard that correctly, my dog cheats.

I honestly don’t know where she gets it from; I actually try to train it out of her in like everything but to no avail. I blame it on her environment and my ex GF who was with me at the start when I rescued the dog. She was selfish and I think that rubbed on the dog. I mean the  dog does somethings that makes me sigh, alas my Ex use to thing it was funny or cute. However, my mother will cheat as well, sadly I know alot of people that do not share my ideas of fair play. So it could from anyone of them or she is just naturally a cheater(I hope not, I’d have to then take marks off her in the best dog ever ranking).

I will say she is getting better(about cheating) but its still there(her cheating). Like when we race, if I am beating her or last longer(I have freakish stamina), she will start cutting me off. Doing things to make it hard for me to run (potentially seriously injure me, which has happened a few times).

Last time we played basketball, she got so frustrated from losing so much and  headbutted me right in nuts. Yes, she missed the ball on the triple threat(pretended that she went for the steal) and just went for my nuts. When I was down she took the ball, very pleased with herself…until she noticed that the pain I was in, was not getting better. She made sure to keep the ball far away from me but check if I was okay.

Back to my dog cheating in football/soccer matches. I have tons of stories but literally she will try and trip me when frustrated. She also will actually do a spin move where she whacks me with her body. She  bounces off me after the attack and then runs to get the ball when the force sends me back or knocks me on the floor(this is to my knee(s), my groin, my chest, the side of my legs(another trip) or between my legs to mimic a dragon tail sweep). Yes she will cheat if she gets too frustrated, which occurs after many minutes of being owned.

This dog(in video) doesn’t seem to be like that at all. He seems to enjoy the spirit of fair play. The similarity(between dogs) is endearing but then again he gets the ball pretty fast. So maybe he cheats too(JK)…..right now she has come over right next to my face and is giving me that ‘what are you doing look‘. I think she’s onto the fact that I am writing about her cheating ways. It would be wise for me to stop writing now, okay she’s doing the stare down……….

Thanks for reading and I was not abused by my dog(.. help..)

My dog doesn’t do this