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How My Dog actually plays football with me

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How My Dog actually plays football with me   This is more like what me and my dog playing looks like. I know its not omg, so horrible. However its no where near what the guy did with his dog in the last video. She plays pretty much exactly like this and is a pretty good defender in this game and basket ball as well. However she does something this dog doesn’t seem to do. She cheats when she gets frustrated. Yes, you heard that correctly, my dog cheats.

My dog doesn’t do this

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I watched this video of this guy with his dog. It was really cool, a great post by Tintu-Mon (he post alot of great stuff and FB give him a like) Sadly while I can do alot of things with my dog, that has people like, wow. I can’t get her to actually pass the ball back in football(we do play but not to that amazing level). She would keep it for herself or keep hitting it on the follow so its away from me. I think its pretty cool how they play together. I would like to get to that for football(soccer) with my dog. It was a nice video that brought a smile to my face(dog videos tend to do that lol). —– for some reason the video from Tintu-mon is gone so I got this substitute instead from Youtube. Please give both likes if you can, I will make another video because of this called how I play with my dog. ————

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