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Michael’s Repentance: Correcting My Introduction and Not Hiding

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The last post I made was not good. I spent too much time writing it. These posts/logs should be more off the cuff. The way I wrote the last post generally covers my problems that I can list causally off my head. (worked on it to make it better) I know that a few people expressed that my problems are normal (supporting me when they found out about my blog series), but they aren’t. I’m sure most of you reading this don’t know that I’m both sadistic and masochistic (S/M). I know that this alone isn’t incredibly uncommon, but I do fear that my masochism has lead me to create environments for my own failure (its a complicated and discover more all the time). Which doesn’t just hurt myself ,it also hurts the people around me and I have to change this (there are other major problems but this ties into them strongly, making them very warped). Why because I seek people out and wrap them into my world. – I want my brothers wife because its my brother’s wife

Michael’s Repentance: Introducing Myself and My Problems

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  Hey, everyone I know that I’ve have been absent on Facebook for while. I wanted to let everyone in on some of the things going on with me (past and present).  This is just a little bit of what you can expect from me in the future. Most people who know me, know I’m a strange dude. I’m socially awkward, secretive, pretentious (for like no reason) and  I have an incredibly bad memory. These are just some of the major problems that I have. I am currently working on them but I also have some darker problems,  some really dark chronic issues I’m dealing with.  These problems, I have been dealing with them my whole life. But more recently these problems have directly hurt the people I my life who I care about most.

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