Quick Introduction to MD Ness   MD Ness, is an artist that I have met on Facebook and boy is she something else. I mean, she is very hard working. I work very hard; I stay up sometimes two to three days on 4 hours or no sleep(sadly). One of the constants that I notice, is MD Ness promoting online(it re-motivates me sometimes). She’s so amazing that she doesn’t just do for herself, she does for others as well. That was one of the traits about her that I liked. When I spoke to her, it was further emphasized because she mentioned and give the people that she knew the credit first (friends in the field she  credited and supported always first). She seems like a really loyal person and it is very moving. Sometimes, I’m on a 4 AM and MD Ness is promoting a slew of people. Sincerely I hope that her people take care of her. Its really hard to find someone who has similar drive and is that loyal. I think every group needs atleast one MD Ness.