Music Talks Rj Response to Kanye West Piss on Grave questions         Music Talks, Rj Response to Kanye West Piss on your Grave Article, written by Absolute Zero -This is actually a re-visiting of the original podcast questions that was asked. I was really tired when I did it. I felt that I could’ve been a bit more focused, so I re-did it. I will later put the link to the original so you can listen to it. -Question 1: What is Slavery Does Kanye West use the term correctly in his music -Question 2: Is Kanye West encouraging anger towards executives -Question 3: should Phil Knight have returned Kanye West’s phone calls? Is he losing anything by ignoring Kanye? -Question 4: Hip Hop has a lot of “Lifestyle rappers” glorifying a high luxury lifestyle. Does this incentivize people to work harder so they can have these things? Does it hurt people?